The next excerpt is live! Check it out at Paranormal Book Club! And if you want to start at the beginning of the excerpt tour, head over to Oh, The Books!
I'm also gearing up for a bunch of events! First, of course, is the launch party at The Book Stall in Winnetka, this coming Tuesday, July 22. I can't wait to see you guys there!
New and upcoming events:
Friday, July 25, 6:30pm
I'll be participating in a group signing at the Crystal Lake Barnes and Noble with some amazing authors: Joelle Charbonneau, Liz Czukas, and Stacey Kade.We'll be talking about all things pop-culture related, which can only end hilariously.
Sunday, September 7
I'm thrilled to be signing with my dear friends Sarah J. Maas and Susan Dennard at Anderson's Bookshop in Naperville, IL. More details, including a time and a link to the event are coming soon.
October 25-26
I'll be on a panel at the Chicago Writer's Conference with the hilarious middle-grade author Allan Woodrow, giving practical advice for breaking into the childrens'/ young adult market. I'll also be around for the rest of the conference, just chatting, so come say hello!